A Focus on Preserving Our Natural Environment
We believe that preserving our natural environment is an integral part of creating a community. We take our commitment to environmental preservation very seriously. Our developments are designed to incorporate and retain as much of the natural surroundings and integrity of the property as possible. We retain an abundance of open space by incorporating the existing hills, trees, walking paths, wetlands, prairie grasses, ponds (natural and man-made) and of course, Castle Rock Lake, into our developments.
In addition to the natural beauty, we landscape in all areas deemed necessary with only the highest grade of materials. We use natural-looking stone, shrubs, trees and wildflowers. The orderly division of the land developments is aesthetically pleasing and adds tremendous value to the surroundings.
As part of our efforts, we’ve saved and subsequently transplanted thousands of trees. We have created numerous ponds and miles of walking trails so residents can enjoy these tranquil settings. We construct the walking paths from chips/mulch from dead trees and from stumps that are left during road building. In addition, we use the chips/mulch for landscaping and protecting newly planted trees.
As part of our dedication to preserving the environment, the lake and the surrounding area, homeowners in our developments are not allowed to use regular fertilizer. Only organic/natural fertilizer is allowed for lawn care. This is part of every subdivision’s covenants.
We realize that our costs are more and profits are less by taking such measures. However, we want our developments to stand out as Eco-Friendly developments. We want our developments to set a standard for future development on the lake and in surrounding communities.